In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law and its Regulations (hereinafter the “Law”), the company Hospitalidad Turística, S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter as “Hospitalidad Turística”) with its address at Lote 9 S/N Seccion Hotelera 1, Zona Turistica de Fonatur, San Jose del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico, will act as the entity responsible for collecting, using, protecting and, in  general, processing the personal data that you provide (hereinafter the “Personal Data”).

The treatment of Personal Data that you make available to use in any form or circumstance may be treated in accordance with these terms and conditions, so it is understood that you grant your consent for that treatment.

The Personal Data that you provide directly or indirectly through any of our authorized formats, website or through other forms, may include, but is not limited to: name, address, e-mail, telephone number, date of birth and nationality. Hospitalidad Turística will not request, admit or process sensitive personal data by any forms.

Likewise, Personal Data may also be collected through cookies, which are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the owner’s computer equipment when browsing our website, as well as through web beacons, which are inserted images into a website or e-mail that can be used to monitor the behavior of a guest. These allow the internet server to remember some data about the user, such as the following:

    • Your browser type and operating system.
    • The internet pages you visit.
    • The links that you follow on the website.
    • The IP address.
    • The site you visit before entering our website.

Additional Personal Data may be requested at any time, the provision of this information is completely voluntary on your part and all Personal Data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

The Personal Data that is obtained directly or indirectly from you will have the following purpose:

  • Main purposes:
  • To provide required services and products;
  • To communicate about new products or services that are related to the contracted or acquired, as well as about changes to our products or services;
  • To contact you; and
  • To comply with those obligations that derive from the existing legal relationship between you and Hospitalidad Turística.
  • Secondary purposes:
  • To send information;
  • To evaluate the quality of the service; and
  • To prepare statistical studies.

In order to carry out the activities described above, there is the possibility that your data is transferred in the Mexican territory or abroad to affiliated companies, third parties and commercial partners, as well as third-party providers of correlated services; If you do not express opposition to the transfer or personal data, it is understood that you have given your consent for it. The transfer of data may be carried out, among others, in the following cases:

  • For the purposes inherent to the products and services provided by Hospitalidad Turística and that you are aware of;
  • In each and every one of the cases provided for in Law; and
  • For statistical purposes, internal logistics and supervision in products and services, and in their quality.

We promise that your Personal Data will be treated under security measures, always guaranteeing your confidentiality.

It is your responsibility to guarantee that the Personal Data provided to Hospitalidad Turística are true and complete, so you must notify us of any changes to them so that you can comply with the obligation to keep the information updated. In the event that said data are not correct, Hospitalidad Turística will not have any responsibility with respect to them.

The temporality of the treatment of the Owner’s Personal Data will depend on the obligations required by current legislation and the competent authorities. In all cases, the information will be kept only for a reasonable time.

Any modification to this Privacy Notice will be made known through our website: www.holahoteles.com.mx, section “Privacy Notice” or, where appropriate, by e-mail provided by you.

In the event of requesting the exercise of the right of access, rectification, opposition or cancellation of your Personal Data (hereinafter “ARCO Rights”), as well as to rectify them in case they are inaccurate or instruct us to cancel them when you consider that they turn out to be excessive or unnecessary for the purposes that justified their obtaining or oppose the treatment of the same for specific purposes, you can do it in the following forms:

  • Electronic means: you must send an e-mail to privacidad@holahoteles.com.mx, who will process it within a maximum period of 20 business days, counted from the moment Hospitalidad Turística receives the request, through a response on the origin or inadmissibility to the e-mail previously provided by the applicant.
  • Physical means: you must send your request to our offices located at Lote 9 S/N Seccion Hotelera 1, Zona Turistica de Fonatur, San Jose del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico, with recipient to the Department of Protection of Personal Data. Likewise, within a maximum period of 20 business days, we will attend to your request and inform you of it provenance through a letter sent to the address of the sender.

 In both cases, the application must state the following:

  • Name and address of the owner or any other ways to receive the response.
  • Attach a copy of an official identification with a photograph on both sides or some document that proves the identity of your representative.
  • Clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you seek to exercise any of the rights.
  • Where appropriate, other elements or documents that facilitate the location of personal data.

Update date: April 5th, 2023.